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C罗的名言 C罗的名言警句汇总

2020-08-24 11:37:25 队员资讯



“你们的爱,会让我更加强大;你们的恨,会让我无可阻挡(Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable)。”

“如果没有努力,天赋一无是处(Talent without hard work is nothing)。”

“我们不想只是谈论梦想,而是实现梦想(We don't want to tell our dreams. We want to show them)。”

“我是常人,也会犯错,也有瑕疵,但作为职业球员,我不想错过比赛,也讨厌失利(I have my flaws too, but I am professional who doesn’t like to miss or lose)。”

“你必须从反对者中看到好的一面,我需要敌人,我毫不介意人们恨我,因为这能助我进步(You have to see the good things from the haters. I need the enemy.I don't mind people hating me, because it pushes me)。”

“我唯一的目标就是成为世界最佳,对此,我毫不掩饰(I have never tried to hide the fact that my only goal is to be the best)。”

“我无需向世人展示什么,也无需证明什么,人们怎么想,由他们去,我毫不关心(I don’t have to show anything to anyone. There is nothing to prove. People can think what they like, I don't care)。”

“胜利——对我而言这就是最重要的,就这么简单(Winning - that's the most important to me. It's as simple as that)。” 

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